Friday, 6 May 2016

Erasmus+ KA2 Project FLwICT The Third Meeting In Seville (14th to the 20th February, 2016) By Maité Loschetter

The time has come to review and report on the 3rd project Meeting we had the opportunity to participate in. This project is part of the « Erasmus+ » program and  the meeting took place in Seville from the 14th to the 20th February, 2016. Eight different countries were involved in this event: Turkey/Poland/Lithuania/Italy/France/Portugal/Spain/Latvia.

Five of our French students, from the « Lycée Maurice Genevoix in Montrouge”, were fortunate enough to participate in this great experience in Seville, and we had the chance to chaprone them.

This week in Seville was a rewarding and an unforgettable experience for several reasons.  

à Mobility, Adaptability
Workshops and activities enabled us to improve our language skills and flexibility. We had to speak English during our week-stay and it was really great for the students to have to collaborate with their peers and to investigate similarities and differences between their cultures. From various media, they had to produce an intercultural dialogue by conducting  collaborative presentations. They had for example to teach other students how to dance their traditional folk dances, which was not really easy... Thanks to all the workshops, they had to dare to express themselves in another language in front of the whole group.

The students had to develop their flexibility to understand and be understood from the other students and from their host families..
The students were so sad to leave Seville and their host families that they can’t wait to  come back to  Spain. This kind of project may consequently promote European students’ mobility. For the students and for us, it was a great way to train and acquire experience abroad
è Understanding of European cultures and learning with ICT
The meeting in Seville provided an opportunity to develop “learning with ICT”. Indeed, the students had to prepare some videos about the culture of their countries. These videos were made thanks to an online presentation software tool, such as « Powtoon ». Through this experience, students and teachers discovered some softwares and learned how to use them to create animated video explainers. During the Workshop “Overcome the prejudice”, they made new videos to sum up similarities and differences of their cultures. By watching all the presentations, students and teachers were able to explore virtual mobility and a better use of new technologies.

This week was also an opportunity for students to investigate European cultures. All the participants learned about the other countries, traditional dishes, celebrations and folk dances. The exhibition and taste of traditional food, and the workshop “How to cook a Salmorejo (traditional tomato soup)” enabled us to discover new recipes, and ‘gluttony’ has proved to be a common ‘quality’   in all cultures!

è Discovering Seville and a part of Spain.
The Spanish team had also organized cultural visit of the Old Town and the Alcazar (Musslim castle and palace) and cultural visit of Granada and Alhambra. With the interesting explanations of Spain teachers, these visits were very enriching and formative for pupils and teachers.

An amazing, unforgettable and unique experience!!

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