Wednesday, 27 April 2016

The Fourth Meeting In Latvia: Turkish Team

Erasmus+ KA2 Project


The Fourth Meeting In Latvia
(04 - 08 April 2016)

   We are realizing the project's meetings with a great pleasure. This time, we were in Daugavpils/Latvia for the fourth meeting of FLwICT project. The purpose of the mobility was to improve students' cultural awareness. During the meeting, students discussed on what is considered an appropriate behavior in one culture is frequently inappropriate in another one. I must say that it was really nice meeting for the participant students and teachers.

       First day of the meeting, the students and teachers of Daugavpils Saskanas Pamtskola school welcomed us nicely. Firstly, we actualized the official opening session. After the official opening session, the school music group performed a music performance . We listened the our project anthem. It was wonderful. I would love to thank to the music teacher of the school related with this amazing performance. Later, the students from each country showed their presentations about the customs and etiquette: Introduction and Greeting, Gift Giving Etiquette, Dining Etiquette, Social Norms in Public Spaces, School Rules in their own country. After the presentation of the participant schools, we visited the classrooms of the school with my dear friend Natalija Karpenko. I loved the school.    

     At the workshop time, the students worked with their own international group about cultural heritage, cultural awareness and language diversity. They learned so many thing about other participant countries culture via this activity. After the workshop at the school, we went to Mark Rotko Art Center with our students. The teachers visited the Mart Rotko Art Center with a guide. And the students did really creative workshop there. It was really exciting activity for our students because they made wonderful pictures with their friends in Mark Rotko Art Centre.

    On Wednesday, we did a cultural visit to Riga together with our project group. During the guided tour in Riga, we learned so much information about the history of Latvia. These hirtorical information were so amazing for us.

   On Thursday, the sutdents worked on about cultural awareness and they prepared a presentation about that subject with their own international working groups. On Friday, they presented their presentations to all teachers and the students. At the Friday evening, we realized a fascinating certificate ceremony and farewell party at the school.


    I must say that, this meeting was so wonderful for my students. They learnt so many things about the culture of Latvia and other participant countries’ cultures. Beside this, they were hosted by Latvian families perfectly. So, I would love to thank to Latvian families because of their hospitality. My students love them so much. Thanks again:)

    Nevertheless, I would like to thank to the headmistress of Daugavpils Saskanas Pamtskola schools- Jelena Vucena- for the organization of the fourth meeting in Latvia. And, I would love to thank to my dear friend Tatiana and to all staff of Daugavpils Saskanas Pamtskola school for their supports.

Ayla SAVASCI - Gulcin KAYNAR - Ramazan ERGUN